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17. November 2020

Traffic light system planned for slaughterhouses in Lower Saxony

Are you already closing or are you still reducing? According to Otte-Kinast, the traffic light system makes it easier to […]

Are you already closing or are you still reducing?

According to Otte-Kinast, the traffic light system makes it easier to decide whether a company should be closed or just its capacities shut down. These options are to be standardized across the country.

The signs point to restarting operations

Because that brings “a certain relief” at the pig slaughterhouses in the Emsland district. So far, up to 4,000 pigs can be slaughtered every day. Under normal conditions, up to 10,000 pigs are slaughtered every day.

Farmers are demanding help from politics and administration

Due to the corona, the slaughter capacities had recently decreased. The opportunities to professionally kill and butcher pigs have been reduced for weeks because of the risk of infection. Many pigs can therefore not be slaughtered and a so-called pig jam occurs.

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