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25. November 2021

Poultry industry: introduction of a sustainability charter is coming

“Berlin Declaration” for more sustainability in the poultry industry Both AVEC and its national member associations are committed to working […]

“Berlin Declaration” for more sustainability in the poultry industry

Both AVEC and its national member associations are committed to working towards a more sustainable future. It was agreed to develop concrete sustainability targets for the entire production chain for the European-wide poultry meat sector. AVEC President Paul Lopez announced. During the meeting, the members also confirmed Lopez, a native of France, as president.

Personnel results of the General Meeting

Paul Heinz Wesjohann from the Wiesenhof company was appointed Honorary President of AVEC – for the first time in the history of the General Assembly and AVEC. Other representatives on the management board come from Italy, Poland and the Netherlands. Franz-Josef Rothkötter is a new member of the AVEC team: He was elected Vice-President and wants to continue the open and constructive dialogue with key EU institutions and politicians – viable solutions are the goal.

“The fact that we were able to come to a united agreement as an industry is an important step towards greater sustainability.”

Wesjohann says that. It is now important to make a strong commitment to the contents of the Sustainability Charter. The Green Deal Charter and the F2F Strategy aim to make Europe climate neutral by 2050.

Great interest in the general assembly …

… had around 200 guests from the EU. They watched the meeting, which was organised by the Federal Association of Poultry Slaughterhouses (BVG), with suspicious eyes. This is organised under the umbrella of the Central Association of the German Poultry Industry (ZDG). (ZDG). In addition to the adoption of the “Berlin Declaration”, a wide-ranging exchange of information and opinions was the focus of the event, which was held in this form for the 63rd time. Together, the delegations effectively managed to raise understanding for a more sustainable future in the slaughter poultry industry.

No meat imports from third countries

Secretary General Birthe Steenberg also made it clear that the level of commitment of the European poultrymeat sector depends to a large extent on the willingness and ability of the EU Commission to protect the sector from unfair competition from third countries.

The response to the increase in production costs should not be greater imports of poultrymeat from non-EU countries. The European Union is already producing in a very climate-friendly way. Importing meat from third countries contradicts the concept of sustainability because transport increases greenhouse gas emissions.

Ehlert – Your expert for topics around the food industry

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