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25. Juni 2021

Gastronomy closures responsible for decline in sales

Who is the mouthpiece for suppliers from the food industry? Several associations have come together and appealed to Federal Minister […]

Who is the mouthpiece for suppliers from the food industry?

Several associations have come together and appealed to Federal Minister Julia Klöckner. These associations include:

  • BOGK: Federal Association of the Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing Industry

  • dti: Deutsches Tiefkühlinstitut e. V.

  • Fish Association: Federal Association of the German Fish Industry and Fish Wholesalers

  • Kulinaria: Association of producers of culinary foods e. V.

  • MIV: Milchindustrie-Verband e. V.

  • VDF: Association of the meat industry

You ask the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection to convene a “Corona economic summit for the food industry”. The minister should get an idea of the current situation in the various industries and talk about specific opening perspectives for the catering trade as well as tailor-made support options.

The need is increasing day by day

Massive sales losses, significantly reduced production, short-time working with redundancies that can soon no longer be avoided, and bankruptcy – many companies already have their backs against the wall. Medium-sized food manufacturers and suppliers in particular complain that their situation is not being recognized by politicians and that the aid initiated by the federal government is not taking effect.

Who is affected?

First and foremost, it is about the suppliers for large catering establishments such as canteens, daycare and school catering, fast catering and transport catering. The production of manufacturers and suppliers is precisely designed for such companies in terms of the container size, the production facilities and the articles. A spontaneous change or development of new products and sales channels is not easily possible. That goes into the money. The associations receive more calls for help every day.

What needs to be done?

The associations appeal to politicians with great concern. One should deal constructively with concrete opening perspectives. Section 6 of the resolutions of the federal-state conference of February 10, 2021 lists a safe and fair opening strategy that plays into the hands of the associations. Further steps urgently need to be formulated.

Because a continuing closure of catering establishments endangers both jobs and the existence of the companies. This also has immense consequences for suppliers and agriculture – so the entire supply chain is affected.

What can a first step look like?

The German hotel and restaurant association DEHOGA published a guideline paper on February 5, 2021, which is supported by the associations of the food industry. Furthermore, they underline the urgency of their concern for the entire supply area in the catering industry.

The first step could be a direct dialogue with politicians. Ideally, it leads in the direction of a concept for an opening strategy that is supported by everyone involved. With this concept, economic prospects for survival could also be shown. Because suppliers of restaurant closings are just as affected and have not been given enough consideration by politicians in discussions and subsidies, it is they who urgently need a bright spot of hope for the future.

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