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29. Oktober 2020

Focus on meat: The new information portal about meat

During the last months and years, many crises have been dealt with in the meat industry: Listeria, animal welfare, work […]

During the last months and years, many crises have been dealt with in the meat industry: Listeria, animal welfare, work contracts and Corona as well as meat prices and the climate. These are all issues that concern society – after all, meat is one of the most popular foods in Germany and for many it is part of a wholesome meal. For reliable information, news and tips, the Fokus Fleisch portal has recently been launched. There you can also inform yourself about various topics concerning the meat industry.

The focus is on beef and pork

There are significant differences in conditions, requirements and status between poultry and beef and pork. Therefore, the new platform focuses only on pork and beef. To this end, meat production companies and the German Meat Industry Association (Verband der Fleischwirtschaft e. V.) have joined forces. The portal is therefore developed by industry experts.

The task of Fokus Fleisch? The initiative uses scientific facts to provide information on various topics, including

  • Animal husbandry and welfare,

  • Slaughter,

  • Meat Processing,

  • Economy,

  • Nutrition,

  • Environmental protection and

  • Climate.

Areas consumers want to know more about. Especially in times of the Corona pandemic, many negative reports about the meat processing industry have come up. From faulty safety precautions and critical working conditions, we now move on to African swine fever. The new portal has been set up so that everyone can obtain reliable information and is not just exposed to media influences.

A factual dialogue on the meat industry

Meat is an important part of the diet – especially children and seniors depend on it. Nevertheless, there are people who abstain from consuming the tasty, natural food. Meat refusers are also welcome to join the discussions in the forum. Because Fokus Fleisch wants to offer everyone a place for objective dialogue and also convince the “veggies” with well-founded knowledge. After all, the nutrient supplier should not be sold below value – but should retain its good, well-deserved image.

  • How is the meat industry dealing with the Corona crisis?

  • What role does the export of meat play for the processing industry?

  • And is pork safe to eat despite African swine fever?

The initiative gets to the bottom of these and other questions. But who is the platform actually made for? Fokus Fleisch puts information online for everyone – from butchers to traders to consumers. The website also serves as a source of information for politicians.

Climate and sustainability are in vogue

… that is why they also play an important role for Fokus Fleisch and for you. Society is demanding more and more in the direction of environmental protection: plastic-free packaging, low water consumption during meat production and, if possible, low C02 emissions. From now on, you can keep up to date with new systems, strategies and developments on Fokus Fleisch. And if you have any questions about the topics covered – feel free to contact the initiative.

For many consumers, the quality of life of animals plays an increasingly important role. What does the Initiative Tierwohl do? How are animals best cared for during transport? Fokus Fleisch would like to provide reliable and up-to-date information in this regard. This ensures transparency on all sides.

In addition to animal welfare, meat nutrition is also essential. Which nutrients are particularly important for children? Are there vitamins that can be absorbed exclusively through meat? And how much meat is actually healthy? These questions and more will be examined by the new initiative – and answered with sound know-how.

And the industry professionals are not neglected either: because for the professional meat industry there are a lot of useful contributions, for example about export, value chains or the price advertising ban.

Are there any topics for you? Do you feel addressed and would like to participate in the objective discussions of the Focus on Meat initiative? Take a closer look at the platform. Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have any further questions.

