10. August 2021
Decline in jobs in the food processing industry
However, one in eight still works for different branches of food processing. This is shown by the industry figures for […]
However, one in eight still works for different branches of food processing. This is shown by the industry figures for 2020, which the food association collected in cooperation with other industry associations. This includes:
the Federal Association of the German Food Industry (BVE)
the German Farmers Association (DBV)
the German Meat Association (DFV)
the Federal Association of Wholesale, Foreign Trade, Services (BGA)
the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH)
the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA)
the German Confectioners’ Association (DKB)
the Federal Association of the German Grocery Trade (BVLH)
the German Trade Association (HDE)
The numbers under a magnifying glass
The food industry includes areas from the field or stable to processing in handicrafts and industry to trade and hospitality. Agriculture, agricultural wholesaling, food handicrafts, the food industry, food wholesaling and retailing as well as catering offer jobs. But to what extent have the numbers changed?
In addition to the number of employees, the number of existing companies has also declined – from just under 700,000 to 658,000. Most of them (around 267,000) are located in the agricultural sector, but the decline of around 10% is most pronounced here. In the previous year there were still 295,000 agricultural companies.
Who generated the most sales?
Grocery wholesaling achieved the largest turnover in 2020 with 230 billion euros. In the previous year it was 223 billion euros. The food retail trade is hot on his heels with 217.5 billion euros and 208.5 billion euros from the previous year.
However, not all areas can look forward to increases in sales: the catering trade recorded the greatest losses – while it generated around 89.7 billion euros in the previous year, it stood at around 59.5 billion euros in 2020.
The role of the food industry is by no means to be underestimated: The industry is responsible for 6 percent of the total value added in Germany. That corresponds to 199.5 billion euros.
Ehlert as an employer in the food processing industry
As a supply chain specialist and supplier of all kinds of companies, we are very familiar with the job situation in the industry. The products of the Ehlert shop help you to effectively boost sales in your company and with our blog you are always up to date on all matters relating to the food industry. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube or subscribe to our newsletter. This way you won’t miss any more important news.