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16. August 2021

Current price developments for agricultural products

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) gives the following figures in total: Agricultural products Animal products March 2020 vs. March 2021 […]

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) gives the following figures in total:

Agricultural products

Animal products

March 2020 vs. March 2021

– 7,7 %

April 2020 vs. April 2021

+ 2,4 %

– 3,0 %

May 2020 vs. May 2021

+ 8,4 %

+ 3,7 %

Why have animal products become so expensive?

The cost of milk is more than tipping the scales. These are the decisive factors why animal products are now so cost-intensive:


March 2020 vs. March 2021

– 0,1 %

April 2020 vs. April 2021

+ 4,0 %

May 2020 vs. May 2021

+ 10,5 %

Milk prices were still falling slightly in March.

What is the price trend for animals for slaughter?

Meanwhile, the cost of pigs has fallen. The reasons for the price reductions are the lower supply and the higher demand due to the opening of outdoor restaurants. The bottom line is that the cost of pork will continue to fall, but not as much. The following table illustrates this:


Sheep and goats


March 2020 vs. March 2021

– 24,9 %

April 2020 vs. April 2021

– 18,8 %

+ 25,0 %

May 2020 vs. May 2021

– 9,3 %.

+ 28,4 %

+ 17,3 %

Herbal products are also more expensive

The persistently high demand and the scarce supply of grain are largely responsible for the rising prices of vegetable products.

Herbal products

April 2020 vs. April 2021

+ 20,4 %

May 2020 vs. May 2021

+ 26,7%

In a year-on-year comparison, prices in the vegetable and horticultural sector rose by 17.8% in May 2021. The decisive factors were:

  • Plants and flowers: + 17.4%

  • Vegetables: + 18.2% (especially tomatoes: + 31.9%, asparagus: + 23.6%)

  • Fruit: + 26.3% (especially strawberries: + 53.3%)

  • Commercial growth: + 35.7% (especially rapeseed: + 45.9%)

It is noticeable that strawberries in particular have become more expensive. Why? The cold weather caused delays in the ripening process, so the strawberry season started around two weeks later than in 2020. Supply was limited, demand was high and strawberries became more expensive.

In the case of commercial crops, the price increase is due in particular to the great demand for rapeseed. Its cost rose a whopping 45.9%. In April of this year there was already a price increase of 30.7%. Due to the empty rapeseed stores of farmers, traders and oil mills, the supply of rapeseed was severely limited.

Only rising prices everywhere? No, the figures for table potatoes look like this due to the high harvest volumes compared to the previous year:

Table potatoes

April 2020 vs. April 2021

– 54,5 %

May 2020 vs. May 2021

– 53,2 %

No price worries at Ehlert

Whether vegetables, dairy products, pasta or fruit: At Ehlert you get all products – whether animal or vegetable – from a single source. Benefit from the diverse selection of our online shop. This way you can save tons of money and get everything you need at the same time. Do you have more questions? The Ehlert team sheds light on the darkness. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

